MPH Apply Now


Why do MPH students love school—and excel academically?

From PreK through grade 12, MPH’s program builds the scholarly sophistication, nuanced self-awareness, and boundless curiosity students need to move confidently to the next level. We create an intensely intellectual environment that inspires students to push themselves and each other. At MPH, it’s cool—and fun—to be smart.

Our expert teachers have the flexibility to adapt their lessons to pursue students’ questions and interests, wherever they may lead. As your child’s mentors, learning partners, and strongest advocates, MPH teachers encourage her to dig passionately into every subject.

MPH students consistently post the top scores on college entrance exams in Central New York. And that’s because they spend more time thinking, debating, experimenting, and wondering—and less time on test-prep. Instead of filling in answer-sheet bubbles, your child spends her days discovering the pure joy of learning.

Learn more about our Lower School, Middle School, and Upper School programs.